Again asking how Nano's going?

Well, her we are at another Weekend Checkin for Nanowrimo. How’s things going, you ask?




I got to the point where the momentum seemed to swing to a clear stop. Shit started to hit the fan, and there was a nice tension, the kind of tension that builds when you’re reading a well-crafted love scene (just me?) and you that things can only go one way, and…wall. BIG FRAKING WALL.


I actually turned around and rejiggered the index cards, and I found the solution.


TL;DR version? For the sake of narrative flow and such, at least for Zero Draft, Lollipop Bite has become TWO volumes.


And the Louis patriarch? Cedric? Is not amused. A woman who works for him, a lady we know only as Wilkes so far, is…


Ohhh, man.


I don’t know if Lightning is this much of a deadpan snarker. Now granted, it’s a sort of foil that Cedric needs, since the entire Louis family tends to be kind of pie in the sky about things (Mmm, pie), and since things are getting DEADLY SERIOUS—but still.


I gotta bounce. Only 11k words left, and I need to sleep at some point.

Chrysanth WebStory What’s your WebStory today?

How's Nanowrimo going, you ask?

Sharon thought that the afternoon was complete: her homework done, errands run, a tall green tea in one hand. Notebooks sat on the outside patio table in a neat stack, and next to them were other books, mostly comics of various origin.

A crashing sound a few yards to the northwest got her attention—a crashing sound that was soon followed by a lot of cursing, Curious, she set her tea down and jogged in the direction of all the noise. The majority stopped rather quickly, however, ending with one loud, final-sounding thud.

“What in the…?”

The only sign that anything had happened were the bricks near one of the juniper shrubs. She looked at those bricks for a long time before checking the shrubbery.

It took her a while to realize that not all of the green in that shrub was shrubbery. A very familiar shock of green hair blended in quite well with the juniper debris.




Lowell isn’t having the best day right now. LOL

Chrysanth WebStory What’s your WebStory today?

How's NaNo Going, you ask?

Well, it’s going well for me. Lowell, on the other hand, is NOT amused:



Lowell’s pace was significantly slower than that of his brother. Whenever he had the chance to be outside on his own for any extended period of time, Lowell took his time. He would walk at the slowest pace that he could stand, and he would take the time to look at everything that he could see. The half-beast took nothing in his small sphere for granted, since he never knew when he would have the chance to be on his own again.

It really is a nice day out today, he thought as he walked. He took a deep breath: though there was the always-present oily haze to the air that marked the place as a city, he could still smell the ground underneath his feet, the plants in the carefully preserved nature trail, the faint but sweet fragrance of some wild plant blooming in the distance.

For this reason, Lowell was torn—he didn’t know whether to love autumn, or to hate it. The air was always so crisp during that season—fresher, cleaner…but it was also when things began to wind down, to end, to fade away.

Like nature’s flipping me the finger, thought Lowell bitterly. He’d barely had the chance to really enjoy the season before it started to fade out, and—

When the warning came, it was a combination of a change in the pressure and an actual sound, felt deep inside the middle of his ear. Lowell jumped out of the way just in time to avoid a long, notched dart’s sharp point shearing through his foot. Instead, the thing landed harmlessly in the dirt of the path, skittering as it bounced off the ground. Almost before he knew he was doing it, Lowell’s head whipped around, his eyes coming to rest in a patch of greenery off to the side of the trail.

Oh, shit.


Keep in mind that this is a zero draft! …but also if you want to tell me what you think so far, feel free to. Sometimes, us inkslinging types need a little scritch behind the ears, just like our kittens do.

Chrysanth WebStory What’s your WebStory today?


It has become something of a tradition for me: sign up for NaNoWriMo. Have something happen. Fail to do a damn thing because of weird events happening.

Except when I didn’t fail.

Of course, there are people who don’t get it—“You’re not getting paid for this, right?” “You don’t really USE that every day, do you?” [in reference to last year’s price, a discount on Scrivener] “What’s the point?” Or the most infuriating of all: “This isn’t anything beyond a hobby. Why are you wasting your time?”

…yeah, have I mentioned I’m no longer dating that guy? OK.

The fact is, this thing is a sprint that helps me to remember what it is that I am doing. I like the competition because it lights a fire under my narrow arse and reminds me of the adage, ABW—Always Be Writing.

So the first bit of preparation has begun—outlining. I actually started this outline a little after the end of last year’s competition, but things have changed since then, and so I need to alter the projected trajectory. Things have steadily gotten darker, and I’ve been watching my voice and style form as I do this project. I’m rather pleased at where it is going.

I should get to sleep. Work won’t wait in the morning, now will it?